Thursday, July 7, 2011

8th July Awake at Last

Geoff and I were up in time time (by 8:30 am) to ride to school with Nick and Lynn as they took the boys to school this morning, which is quite surprising as we were very rudely falling asleep in front of the TV at around 9:20 last night, even Geoff kept dropping off! Maddison, however, was still asleep so we left her at the house. Caleb and Aaron go to the Timaru Christian school where Lynn has just (today 2pm) been offered the job of secretary, their school uniform involves shorts, which would be normal in the UK in the cold but seemed strange to us after all this time. Then we went shopping in Timaru for warm clothes, boots and a bank to change money in. Success all round and some bargains to boot (excuse the pun), as well. Two pairs of fashion boots for £10, awesome!


In the car park in Timaru, snow capped mountains to the rear and beach to the right.                                                                  


Bargain boots and walking boots


Lunch and then at a trip to ‘Pack and Save’, Lynn’s local supermarket, followed by an afternoon of leisurely nothing has completed our first day. Maddy has spent time playing the Sims with the boys when they got back from school and now gone to the chip shop with them to get one of the elements of our tea, the other part will be pizza from Dominoes (but you have to collect it yourself here).

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