Thursday, September 30, 2010


The pavements in Cairo are amazing. These are some of the ones on the way to Maadi Community Church when we picked up Maddy from the 'Fall Retreat'.
Many are in a state of disrepair but reflect the splendour of a bygone age.

Then there's the mathematical aspect of the tessellations . . .

So we have finished our second week of school and the second part of the timetable. The school is running a two week timetable and we have made it to the end. I have taken Maddison out of Christian Studies as it is based on Coptic beliefs and taught in Arabic. She is taking extra Arabic lessons instead.
The school bus is now picking us up from outside the house. We get picked up first at 6:45 am and seem to arrive about 7:45am. On the trip back we are dropped off first so we're getting back about 4 pm. There is one small problem in that the air conditioning on the bus isn't working so with it being 35-38 outside it tends to get a bit warm.

1 comment:

  1. Pam,
    What you probably don’t realise about the top pavement picture is that it is actually very famous in the mathematical community, and has been titled as the ‘Cairo tiling’:
    This particular tiling is one of my interests, of which I have written extensively about:
    I would like to ask you some questions about your sighting. Could you give me your email address?
