Friday, September 14, 2012

14th September


So I didn’t finish off whatever else I was saying because we came back to Egypt and were without internet for almost 2 weeks. It took the landlord phoning them to sort everything out.

We came back to 2 air con units not working, the washing machine dead, no internet and the fridge turning itself off for no good reason. One of the air cons was in Maddy’s room so she spent several nights sleeping on her mattress on the living room floor. Things are looking up now; Maddy is back in her own room, we have internet and there is a new washing machine busy in the kitchen. The rest we wait for. . . . 

Food wise we are all stocked up although all our UK chocolate has been eaten and there was a deficit of onions in the shop one week, it kind of reminded me of St. Helena! Maddison will replenish the chocolate when she visits the school with the drama department during October half term and onions are now available. Some food stuff is seasonal here so it is mango season at the moment and at 60p a kilo they are high on my list of things to eat, last week I even made chicken and mango curry.

We are all back at school and everything is going along in the same Egyptian manner, the American film and the attack on the embassy has caused some concerns in the expat community, but not a lot of impact directly on our lives. Lack of good information seems to be the root of some of the trouble.