Saturday, June 25, 2011

25th June

I have finished my first year of teaching in Egypt! Maddison finished school on Tuesday after 3 days of end of year exams and Geoff will finish next Tuesday.

My school year finished with a Parents ‘DAY’ (9 am – 11 am) on Friday when parents came and collected their child’s report which they could then discuss with the relevant teacher. The parents that came to see me all wanted to say thank you for all the hard work I had put in with their child this year which was a really nice end after all the hassle they had given me earlier on. Parents Day was followed by a goodbye to staff who were leaving, no speeches like you would get in a UK school, just a crystal block with the school’s insignia on it and a thank you, so it was all quite painless. The school had put on a buffet lunch afterwards which was very good, the meals are something they excel at. Then back to the house to do nothing for 24 hours. I am now bored and am starting to do finishing tasks, design data bases, write a hand book for the department and put together things ready  for September. Soon I will need to get out Geoff’s Christmas present and start on that ( a cross stitch aeroplane) but the light quality is poor in the house so I may need to buy a lamp to sew by before I can start.


After Geoff finishes we have a week before our grand adventure!

Product of the year??



Pudding of the year from TGI Fridays, this was for 1 person and Maddy couldn’t finish it.
